Service Times

Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00am

Live Streaming offered each week at 11:00am

A few visitor and handicap accessible parking spaces are reserved directly in front of the sanctuary doors each week. Additional street parking is available along Church Street, Fisher Street, and the Rowan County Library parking lot.

Plan Your Visit

Here are some answers to common questions about attending worship.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable - suits, dresses, jeans, or jumpsuits!

You will most likely see our pastor and choir wearing formal robes, but we know more formal clothes make some uncomfortable and others may be limited by their wardrobe. If you're not sure what to wear - wear whatever you already own that makes you feel your best. 

A few visitor and handicap accessible parking spaces are reserved directly in front of the sanctuary doors each week. Additional street parking is available along Church Street, Fisher Stret, and the Rowan County Library parking lot.

On Sundays greeters are ready to welcome you to worship at the doors facing Church Street (door A2), and the lobby doors under the portico on Fisher Street (door B3). 

Visit the church office Monday-Thursday (9:00-3:00) by coming to door B3. A volunteer or church staff person will help you find your way.

You can expect to be invited to pray, read call and response passages, and sing together with the congregation. Our music is mostly what could be described as "traditional" - we sing hymns together accompanied much of the time by organ or piano. Music written in more modern times is also woven into many of our worship services. The choir may sing an anthem, or the handbell ensemble may ring. 

The pastor will offer their sermon based on the Scripture reading for that day. The Sacrament of Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month; and each service ends with a benediction, or blessing, as we are invited to live out our faith in our daily lives.

Seasonal Worship
special services throughout the church year

Following the church calendar, we travel the pattern of remembering Jesus' birth, life, death, and ressurection throughout the year. The seasons we offer the most seasonal programming are Advent - leading up to Christmas, and Lent - leading up to Easter.

Advent at FUMC

First United Methodist Church of Salisbury

A local congregation of the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (704)636-3121

217 S. Church St.
Salisbury, NC